Sunday, February 9, 2014

5 months

My sweet little boy, you are 5 months old. My, how time flies so quickly! You seem so big, yet still so small. At your last well baby check, you were almost 12 pounds and 25 inches. Tall and lean still. Everyone loves you at school, and you're quite fond of the other babies, especially Vivian, Cooper, and your girlfriend Charlie. I think you have a love affair with Ms Ashley, and you tolerate Ms Devin. You recently started laughing, not all the time, but you did it for the first time after I was gently tossing you in the air on my laugh, the 6th. It made me cry, what a happy little sound. You're a stinker though, and wouldn't laugh for Andy or Daddy. You have mastered rolling over from back to front, and the way you lift your booty in the air to get your arm out from under you makes me laugh every time. You still haven't figured out how to go back and forth rolling over, but that will come. You stand so well while supported, and smiling is still our favorite. You try to eat the cloth I cover you with during bath time. You're obsessed with your special blanket and paci. Daddy time with you is special. I think you're going through another growth spurt, you're eating more frequently, and still going between me and the bottle easily. I love our nursing sessions, it's such a special time together. I will seriously miss it when you wean. You have a great interest in toys now, which is great, and it wears you out so well! You still sleep through the night, and play catch up on the weekends from the sleep you miss at school. I love watching you sleep, wondering what you dream about. I love you so much Lex!