Thursday, June 9, 2011

Decision Time

So I feel like a decision has to be made soon. I've just received my second monthly visitor and I feel like Ken and I need to make a decision as to whether to try again or wait a little longer. But I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand I'm pretty sure I'm ready to start trying again. I know Ken is. But unfortunately with our financial situation, it doesn't make sense for us to try for a baby until I have steady employment. And the doctor my mom and sister want me to see, Dr Graman in Enumclaw, is on vacation until the beginning of July. I wanted to talk to him to see what he recommends and see if I like him more and it's more convenient than Dr Jung. If I do that, that means we're waiting another month. Or do we try this month and call in the progesterone from Dr Jung then go see Dr Graman... can I switch my Dr while I'm still pregnant? Should I take the hormones if Dr Graman thinks I should't but Dr Jung thinks I should? How can I ask Dr Jung to send over all my paperwork so Dr Graman knows whats been going on since October?
I have another job interview tomorrow, and it feels like a lot is riding on this. If I get it, I think I'll be more likely to try this month. If not, I'm pretty sure we're going to wait. UGH. And knowing all this in the back of my head is not how I want to be in an interview. Well I guess I'll post back tomorrow and maybe then I'll have more answers.

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