Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Ok is it normal for a mommy to be so overwhelmed and worried/terrified at this stage in the pregnancy? I feel like there is not enough. Not enough time, too much to do, not enough money, too much to buy still, not enough ready yet, too much to think about. Too much to worry about, as for the hospital, getting ready for labor, how I'm going to get everything prepped in a timely manner, the worries for what happens after my leave is over and I have to go back to work....


There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, between work, commuting, dinner making, and spending time with my husband for little else regarding to cleaning, organizing, meal prep, or budgeting. 
I still feel like there are a lot of things that little Lex will need before he gets here, or soon thereafter, but trying to figure out how to pay for it is driving me crazy. Ken and I are having a hard enough time budgeting and saving for my leave (trying to cover bills for when I'm not working), that finding extra money for things like a infant bathtub, no scratch mittens, crib sheets, a mobile, an extra diaper bag, etc, is seemingly impossible. Not just that, but finding extra money for extra groceries so I can have freezer meals ready. Yeah, not sure sure how I'm going to do that. I can't expect Cyndi to be able to fill in that gap as far as paying for food when she's here helping... Don't get me started on where the extra money for helping her even GET here to see Lex will come from....

I definitely want to nest but after work I'm so tired, even thinking of cleaning more makes me want to scream. My to do list seems never ending, and while most of it I can do myself, I can't do it all. The nursery is almost ready, but I still have clothes to wash and sort and figure out my storage space for everything.

Ken and I still have to figure out the car seats, which also means cleaning out at least his car. I'd really like the stroller put together and ready before he's here too, in case I need to use it for whatever reason before Ken's 10 days of leave is up. I need to make Andy a small bag for Lex in case of emergencies. 

Thinking about all this makes my head want to explode!! And obviously trying to think about all of this at the same time is more than a little overwhelming. I'm trying to tackle the to do list as an every other week or something pace, so it's not too crazy. And I guess I have to suck it up and do at least something after work every day, since weekends will be nonexistent pretty much until Lex gets here. Oiy......


Amy said...

*hugs* It is definitely normal. I wasn't quite so overwhelmed with Rachel but I know if I'd had a job on top of it I would have been way more stressed. For the baby bath you can always wash the baby in the sink or, what I've done before and what a lot of people do instead of a baby bath, you can fill the bathtub with just a thin layer of water and lay the baby on the bottom of the tub. And baby socks work awesome as no-scratch mittens. :-) I'll be praying God gives you some peace and some rest. *hugs*

Daydreamingirl87 said...

Thanks Amy, I'm glad it's not just me... a friend of mine is letting me pick through her stored baby stuff, so we will have a few more things soon. I'm starting to feel better, just had a near panic attack that night. You know when your mind starts going, it's hard to make it stop.

Amy said...

I totally understand! If you need anything let me know! :-)

P.S. Do you have an online registry anywhere? I thought you said once you'd done one but I couldn't remember where. :-)

Daydreamingirl87 said...

Yes, we're still registered at Target and Babies R Us :)