Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I almost broke down in the middle of grocery shopping in Walmart yesterday. It was a very difficult weekend, between Ken and I having a major fight (which for us isn't even yelling, it's laying in bed crying together) dealing with things in our marriage, and the reality and finality of having only 2 more days of work I guess finally hit me. All of this: the miscarriages, my marriage going through a rough patch, and my job being over have really taken a toll on me. Between the stress I'm always carrying in the back of my mind, and the stress of my finances, it was almost like I couldn't go on, like I needed to just fall to my knees in the middle of the store. I feel so broken, like I'm trying to climb a vertical mountain 10 miles high. It doesn't get easier every day, it seems to get more difficult.

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