Saturday, December 10, 2011

Doing Well For A Change

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to work in the infant room (instead of the pretod room, ages 1 year to 2 years, which is my home room) pretty much all day. It was a nice change of pace, and it was one of my easiest days that I've ever had. It was so nice to just focus on playing, bottle feeding, soothing, cooing, and pouring love onto the babies. We had 8 that day, so a full room, and the babies ranged from 2 months to 11 months. I wasn't sure in the morning how I was going to feel about everything, but I enjoyed my day so much, it was such a relief. Being in the baby room melted away a lot of stress for me, and the teachers in the infant room I like a lot.
At one point I was playing with a 4 month old (while holding/cooing to a 2 month old to calm her down), putting a blanket on her face, and taking it away, saying boo, and dangling it on her face so the blanket tickled her cheeks. The 4 month old loved it so much, it was the first time I had heard her laugh. I kept giggling, and thought to myself "this is awesome, I can't wait to do this stuff with my own baby" then stopped for a second, and just for a moment, was intensely proud of myself. I wasn't dwelling on what I didn't have, I wasn't sad, I wasn't upset at what could have been. I was just happy, joyful, excited about the future.
I talked about the situation with Ken the next day when we met for lunch, and he kind of had a "ok that's cool" attitude, but I understand, and told him so, that it's sometime difficult for me to talk to him about how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking regarding baby loss or the future, because we dealt with our losses so differently, obviously. And he understood, and I know he tries, he makes an effort to understand, but it is so different, our points of view. It's become a lot easier to talk to him about things, how I'm feeling, which has made things a little easier.
I finally feel like I'm on the right track, that the healing is here and active. It's crazy to think that it's already almost been a year since everything. This month will be a year since my first miscarriage, and in March it will be a year since my second. Wow. I wonder if I should hold some sort of private reflection time or a candle lighting or something for these anniversaries. Something to think about I guess. Please let me know if joining me in whatever I decide to do is something you'd be interested in. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm there, whenever & whatever you decide! Just let me know, and I'll adjust my schedule if need be. Love You All The Time! Mom