Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Not this month

No baby this month. I'm a day early. Stinks too, because this was the last month to probably have a baby in 2012. :(


On the drive home today, feeling frustrated and lonely again, I got to thinking. Why do I want children?
Is it because that's what you're "meant" to do? Is it because I enjoy children and therefore want them around me all the time? Something else? Something i can't even put into words?

I guess I came to a realization tonight while driving home. Would I be happy without children? Without going into details, yes. My family is complete with just Ken and I. He is enough for me. It will not be the worst thing that would or could happen if I can't have children. A hard thing to swallow yes but I don't think it would break me.
Do I want children? Without a doubt. I want children to enrich an already happy life, I want children for the every day, small little joys that children can give you. I want to see a mini Ken toddling around, with his sparkling blue eyes, his wit, my horrible Olive nose, his dark handsome hair, my compassion.... I want to create something that is wholly Ken and I, with my partner in life, the love of my life.  Will the opportunity for such a thin to happen, ever happen? I guess time will tell. This grief and doubt and stress will not overtake me.
Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Really trying to keep this in mind.

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