Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I had an interesting dream last night, and I wanted to make sure I wrote it down, seem it was kind of weird. I was traveling with family to I think Australia, for some kind of family reunion. We got there, and I was getting the tour of the housing place we were staying by some of the family. One of my super distant cousins was pregnant, and I somehow told her all of my baby issues, how I want a baby but have not gotten that far yet. She told me why didn't I adopt the baby, hers, since she fell pregnant and didn't want it anyway, like it was nothing. I was of course in shock, and asked her more details, including what the gender was, and she said it was a boy. Which made me fall to my knees in tears because that is what I had wanted originally when I was planning on TTC, and here she was giving me exactly what I had wanted. The rest of the dream is a blur after that point.
Maybe I've been watching too much 16 and pregnant or shows like it, but the dream kind of rattled me. I don't know whether to read into it or not.
I'm so pretty sure there will be no baby for the month of May. I wish I had clarification though, I don't know if Dr Graman meant to include this month in the 2-3 month time frame he gave me to conceive or if because of the test he wasn't counting it. I don't know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Call Dr Graman and ask him if he's counting this month or not, because of the test!
I think your dream is just a manifestation of your hopes and anguish about TTC. Don't read anything more into it than that. Our dreams are a way that our minds have to deal with the stressful issues in our lives, and then relax and let them go.