Saturday, May 12, 2012

Test Results and the Next Step

My test was yesterday, the one where my doctor injects dye into my uterus to see if my tubes are open or blocked. The test itself was pretty quick (about 30 minutes from the time I had to get undressed to the time I was able to clean up and go) but it was also pretty painful. It was mostly a cramping pain, but a very intense type cramp, something I've never experienced before. The good thing is I got results right after the test was done. It seems like my left tube is open, but my right one is blocked. The dye wouldn't go into my right tube at all. Dr Graman says sometimes the test is all it takes to kick start my body into actually getting pregnant, so he wants me to try and see if something happens in 2-3 cycles. If it doesn't, then I need a special kind of surgery to see what's going on with the tube, where the blockage is, all that. And then we look into Ken, and see if there is an issue with him.

I talked to my mom about all this the day of the test (we went out to dinner for Mother's Day early) and apparently my older sister had something similar, she could only get pregnant every other month, but she ended up having 2 healthy boys. I guess this makes sense because ovaries take turns on which one releases the egg, and so it will still show I'm ovulating, but the egg can't go anywhere and neither can the sperm if it's in that blocked tube. Which would make sense that it's been almost a year of trying and no baby. My mom also said that if there was car tissue from my D&C, then it can move into the tubes, which might be what the blockage is.

I had a talk with Ken after I got home, about our options what he wanted, what he thought, how far he wanted to go with the trying to have a baby. He actually surprised me, and we had a very good talk. He wants a baby just as desperately as I do, which is something I hadn't thought he really wanted sometimes. He talked to him mom recently and she said there are middle class adoptions, so it doesn't cost thousands of dollars. I guess if we can find something, it's a good choice. He doesn't seem to want to go down the IVF route either. Mainly because he says it's really expensive, and it's not guaranteed we'd get pregnant. I told him I wanted to keep going for the 2-3 cycles, but after that I wasn't sure where I wanted to go, and he got kind of upset. He wants a baby badly, and he doesn't want to stop trying. I told him that I just wanted to see what would happen, and if nothing works, then we can see where we are emotionally and financially, and then make the next decision. He also said he's totally fine with going through whatever testing he would need to, which makes me feel better, I wasn't sure how he would feel about it.

So I guess now it's just do what we've been doing. I have taken off the fertility tracker on my phone though, I think using it was just too much pressure. I'm trying to give myself some peace and not freak out that next month would be a year since we've started trying again. I think it helps that Dr Graman said to try for another 2-3 months. I guess we will see.

1 comment:

Amy said...

*hugs* I'm glad you were able to get the results right away. And I'm glad that it sounds like it should hopefully be something that will still allow you to get pregnant. And that Ken is on the same page as you. Still, I know it must be wearing on you *hugs* I'm praying that you feel peace and at rest. And I tried using a fertility tracker type thing for a couple months and yeah it was really stressful for me and I almost felt pressure to get pregnant each month because after all I knew when I was ovulating. That seemed to be my line of thinking. Hopefully without the tracker you'll feel less stress.