Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cravings and Aversions

So this is more for my own documentation, but I wanted to talk about my aversions and cravings I've been having. Last night was the most intense aversion, I was making oatmeal and my roommate left out the jar of peanut butter. It smelled funny and made me go "ugh" but then I sat down to eat, and immediately had to put my bowl down and run to the bathroom. Apparently I can eat it or even smell it now. Which is so sad because I love it! Ken is currently eating a box of peanut butter cheerios I bought because I had one bowl and couldn't continue. My other aversion so far is mustard. I don't like mustard at all anyway, but if it's mixed in something, like egg salad, I'm fine. Not anymore. So weird.

On to cravings: the main ones I can remember right now are fried chicken, wonton soup, and fries of any kind (not together!). My craving for wonton soup hasn't quite been fulfilled yet though, I ordered a carton a while ago, and while good, it wasn't the same soup I remembered eating from my childhood, which was disappointing. And I've discovered that my fried chicken has to be from Church's in Lakewood, other places, including safeway, it's not the same taste at all. At least fries are easy to fulfill.

Almost 12 weeks!!


Anonymous said...

yay for 12 weeks!!

Amy said...

I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you guys. :-) And I totally understand having a craving and not being able to fulfill it. I actually wrote to Arby's asking them to fill the needs of all overseas pregnant women in Japan by establishing a restaurant either on our base or in Misawa. Lol! I think it must have amused them because instead of just ignoring it they actually wrote back apologizing that they weren't expanding to Asia any time soon. :-D