Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So at the doctor yesterday, yes she gave me the confirm, and I asked just a few questions... she really didn't know that much about what I should and shouldn't be doing. I asked her about Zyrtec, and she said that she wouldn't, that Benedryl is a better option. It's hard to know what I should and shouldn't take medication wise, until I find a midwife. I'm already on three prescription medications for my asthma, and I know I can only take Tylenol, but I'm worried about my Advair, Albuterol, and Singular. I looked up Advair online, and the site said it's a class C medication, and it an cause defects and bad bones for the baby. Same for Albuterol. Singular is fine, but since it's in pill form I'm still worried. I know that the Advair and Albuterol don't get very much into the bloodstream since it's inhaled, and I have to have something for my asthma, it all just makes me worry. I had trouble sleeping last night because my mind was going into overdrive about finances (Ken freaked out last night after I told him my semi-solid plans for taking time off, at least a month and a half, I'm hoping for more). Then I started worrying about what I might have taken before I knew, like medications like Advil or a hot bath to relax, and I started slightly freaking out, thinking about something I might have done and what if the baby is born with something wrong? It's really hard to think about, and I's trying not to worry too much, but I think I'll be better once I get my midwife. I'm going to start scheduling tours and interviews at The Birthing Inn and Tacoma General, the two places I'm looking at for the birth. Because of the holiday coming up on the 31st though, I have to wait to schedule anything until afterward. I'll probably start calling tomorrow to set interviews up. Ugh. I know I need to not stress right now, but it's so hard with so much up in the air still.

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