Tuesday, March 26, 2013

18 weeks

We had the 18 week appointment today, and it went well. My DR listened to the heartbeat by doppler again, and I had to hold my breath. I didn't hear a steady heartbeat like I had previously, but my DR just laughed, asked if we heard it, then said that the baby was moving a lot! Definitely reassured me today.
Next is our 20 week ultrasound, where they will be checking a lot of the body and systems, and also (sort of) telling us the gender. After that I see my DR again at 22 weeks.

I think I've felt the baby move today. I was driving home, on my way to get gas, and it felt like a bubble popped in my belly, for a second, then it was gone. I'm not really sure what I should be looking for, but from what I've heard, and after talking with Ken and Andy, I'm pretty sure it was the baby and not something else or whatever. Kind of exciting!

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