Monday, March 4, 2013

15 weeks and an update

Ok, so I've been meaning to write for a week now, and up until this moment, I haven't felt the desire or had the time. My 14 weeks appt went well, although it was short. She just heard the heartbeat again with the Doppler, and sent us on our way. We have more appointments at 18 and 20 weeks. 18 weeks is the blood test for genetic disorders, and 20 weeks will be when we (my mom) will find out the gender.
I don't think I've mentioned this yet on here, but Ken and I are doing our gender reveal a little different. My mom will be the only one to know, until we have a gender reveal party for friends and family. She may plan it differently, but I think she will order a cake that will be dyed either blue or pink, so when we cut into it, everyone and we will know. I think it will fun for everyone to guess and see what everyone thinks, and since Ken and I don't care about the gender, it will be a fun way to find out with our loved ones near.

I will be 15 weeks tomorrow (Tuesday), and I've already noticed some changes. It's not drastic yet, but I've personally noticed that my belly is bigger, and I think I am kind of showing, not just looking overweight now. Maybe that's me though, I can't tell. Bending over and down all day for work is getting more difficult already too, I need to learn to squat. I may be in trouble in the coming weeks, haha. Everything is still going well.

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