Monday, April 11, 2011


One emotion I'm really trying to wrap my head around right now is the anger I seem to have. I don't typically think of myself as an angry person, pretty much the total opposite, but I keep finding myself angry sometimes. I'm angry this happened, to me, to Ken, to my baby. I'm angry that so many women can have healthy babies with no problems at all. I'm angry that we've had to go through 2 miscarriages. I'm angry that people who weren't hoping or expecting to get pregnant, are. And having normal easy pregnancies. I'm angry that the one thing I thought should go easy has not. At all. I'm angry that people are super insensitive sometimes. I'm angry that I'm even angry at anyone at all.
Some days are better than others, and I think I'm more into the accept and move on stage. I did find a support group of child loss, stillbirth and miscarriage. It actually meets on my day off and at night, which fits perfectly. It is down in Olympia though, only downside. But I think it will help, and once a month isn't bad at all. Ken can't come ever though, but I'm hoping a friend or two might come with sometime, or my mom.
I talked with Ken today, and he wants to wait until he;s completely done with training to start trying again. And I'm not really ok with that. That seems like a long time to wait. 2 years+ until we have a baby? I don't know if I can wait that long anymore, even after 2 failed pregnancies. Something to keep talking about I guess.

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