Sunday, March 20, 2011

10 Weeks 2 Days

This Sunday marks my pregnancy as being 10 weeks and 2 days along. I love being able to look forward to Saturdays, so I can say I'm one more week, and read in my pregnancy books about the upcoming week, and how big the baby is, how he/she is developing. I guess right now it's about the size of a kumquat/the size of my thumb, and from one pregnancy book, it looks a lot less like a lizard (as Ken and Jared say) and more like a human lol. I find all of the development of babies absolutely fascinating. It blows my mind that something as simple as a sperm and an egg can turn into a bunch of cells, that eventually will grow into a fully functioning baby, my baby.
This week has been more of a crazy one though; between work and a close friend getting married yesterday, this week has been absolutely exhausting. Ken and I have had barely any time together, but thankfully the nausea has pretty much subsided. Sleeping has been interesting lately, I'm pretty sure I've noticed subtle changes in my belly (like if you weren't me, you couldn't tell, at least I think so anyway!) but it's becoming just slightly uncomfortable to lay completely on my stomach like I like to sleep. I think I need to invest in a body pillow in the next couple months, to make things easier.
The crazy has subsided slightly, but now I have a new crazy going through my head. I got sick (food poisoning and bronchitis) right after I found out I was pregnant, around week 7 and 8, which made eating anything completely healthy kind of difficult. There were a few days I couldn't even keep my prenatal down. So my current crazy/worries are that the baby will be born with something terribly or significantly wrong, that something I did or didn't do, whether it's eating habits or stress when I was sick, will harm the baby. It's so hard not to worry, and I'm such a worrywart anyway. I know I shouldn't stress, that worrying and stress is bad for the baby, that I'm a strong person and I can take whatever comes my way, but it's so hard not to.
On some good news, Ken and I are thinking of taking a "babymoon". Lol laugh if you want, but all the pregnancy sites say a babymoon is the last baby free vacation, and a way to connect to the pregnancy. It wouldn't be anything long, were just thinking of a night in Seattle at a hotel and eating a fancy dinner at the Spaceneedle. The biggest problem is money, especially since hotels in Seattle are so expensive. It's more of an idea right now than actual plans, but I'd like to.
Ken and I did some shopping today; pants and two shirts for him, and I needed a new bra, my work ones are getting a bit snug. And can I just say I have no idea what I'm going to do when I'm 9 months pregnant in the chest department? I always knew I had a pretty large chest but I got measured today, and it was not what I was expecting! At all!! Oiy, that may explain the back pain I've been having lately! I was left a little speechless today, but the sales assistant was really nice, very informative, and gave me a card for a woman in Tacoma who does special maternity and post delivery bras, and even does custom fitting which I thought was amazing. Depending on cost, I'd really like to make an appointment in the next few months. Time to beef up the baby fund!

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