Monday, March 7, 2011

Boy or Girl?

I know it's still early, but I'm almost becoming anxious about what gender the baby will be. Ken and I want a boy so bad, and to be honest, will be slightly disappointed if it's a girl. I keep getting mixed reviews as to what think people think we're having, and a friend of mine was able to predict her child's genders with her dreams (and the very fact that she was pregnant lol). Well in the last 2 weeks I have had baby dreams, the first one was a boy but last night I had a very vivid dream where the baby was a girl. I don't know why I'm so anxious about it, I know I shouldn't be. So will be Logan Alexander or Abigail Grace? I'm only in week 8, so I guess 12 more weeks to go until we know! I guess they don't normally test until week 20, so we still have a way to go. In the next month or so, depending on how everything goes, I want to get the dresser/changing table put together, but I'm waiting for all other decorations for the nursery until I know the gender so I can kind of pick a theme, and what I put on the walls kind of depends on that, and what the bedding looks like.
I got pretty sick this last week, starting on Sunday the 27th. I think I ate some bad food, and ended up with some kind of bug and throwing up and having nausea for the next 4 days. And I felt so guilty, because I know I have to eat, and eat well to support the baby, but I swear everything besides dry toast made me throw up! And we all know toast is not the most nutritious thing in the world. I tried to supplement it with the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) but bananas weren't the best, applesauce made me throw up... ugh. And of course I can't take my prenatal, as soon I did on Monday I threw it right back up. Which is more guilt and worry of course.
So then on top of all this, I get bronchitis, and after a visit to my OB, I found out I lost 5 pounds in the week I was feeling sick. Not ok! I didn't think it was that much! Normally when I get bronchitis, I get antibiotics, maybe a steroid, rest, and feel better within 2-3 days. Oh no. Because I'm still so early, I was freaking out about taking anything, triple checking to make sure something like Robitussin is ok, and basically felt like crap for a week straight. My mom came over this past Sunday (the 6th) for a dress fitting for Jennica's wedding, and she assured me that it was fine, and that the feeling sick and lousy would pass. So after her blessing, I take Robitussin, and literally a day later, I'm able to be up, walk around, even do my normal errands (although a bit slower than normal due to coughing, but coughing is good!). Wouldn't that have been nice 3 days ago? Oh well. At least I can go back to work finally. I am having trouble with tons of heartburn though, and being very gassy, through burping. I really am sick of burping every 5 minutes!
One good thing has happened this week though. Because I haven't been able to eat, and I am trying to eat more healthy, I can't handle that much sugar any more. Ken brought me home a Reeses PB Cup (something normally I'd be over the moon about, I love candy), and I had just one cup out of the two cups in the pack, and it was too much sugar, I felt almost sick afterward. I don't really crave anything sweet, and haven't lately, so that's a definite plus! Trying to eat healthy, and that's a major point in my book. I think my last pop was even more than 2 weeks ago, I've been sticking to water and juice and Gatorade. Not much improvement in the vegetable area, but oh well, can't win them all!

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